National Council Simon Michel

National Council Simon Michel

CEO and Member of the Board, Ypsomed Group

Since 2006, Simon Michel is with Ypsomed, since 2014 CEO and a Member of the Board of Directors. From 2003 to 2006, he worked for Orange Communications. Simon Michel is a Member of the Board of Directors of Unitectra, sitem-insel, Forster Rohner and LEM Surgical, as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the DCB Research AG and Ahueni. Mr Michel is also on the Board Committee of economiesuisse, the Boards of the Bernese and Solothurn Trade and Industry Associations, and Swiss Medtech, the umbrella association for the Swiss medical technology industry. Mr Michel is a member of the Military Strategy Staff with the rank of Major. He was elected to the Cantonal Council of the Canton of Solothurn for the FDP in March 2017 and to the National Council in October 2023. Here he is a member of the Commission of Foreign Affairs. He studied economics at the University of St. Gallen, specialising in media and communication management. Simon Michel lives with his wife and two children in Solothurn.