

The first online platform for transport services in Switzerland that connects shippers and transport companies in real time. Every fourth truck on Swiss roads is empty. The complicated transport organization involves a great deal of effort between shipper and carrier.

Due to lack of transparency in the market, a lot of time and money is lost. Pickwings’ technology makes it possible to create transport orders within a few seconds and ship them according to the matching principle on Switzerland’s largest delivery network with more than 400 transport companies and a combined fleet of more than 4,000 trucks. Pickwings creates added value for everyone involved in the supply chain.

Through digitized processes and real-time connections to transport service providers, shippers save up to 20 % on freight costs and 50 % on administration costs. Carriers benefit from increased capacity utilization and reduced empty kilometers, as well as the free digitization of their fleets on a public marketplace. Every day, more than 1,000 shipments are processed via the platform.